
Saturday, November 27, 2010

damn that fucking dinner..!!

double lucky middle finger to those who arrange that fucking event..!!

seumur hidup ak xpenah ag g mjlis camtu...ore klate kato,"BBOLOK..!!"sape yang arrange dinner smalam memang r....ak xtau da nk cakap camne....memang bodo tahap gaban r....x pasal2 bertimbun-timbun dosa ak smalam....segala jenis perkataan kuar dari mulut ak neh....

1st skali....mula2 msuk je dewan.....fine..!!tempat duduk x ckup..!!weii..!!agak2 r....ak pun bayar same cam orang laen....da laa ak memang da berat hati nk g....ps2 jadi plak bnda camni...memang bangang gile r....spatutnya arrange laa awal2 sape nk duk meja mane...xde r bila sume orang smpai nanti baru cbuk2 nak cari tempat duduk,nak cari partner nak duk skali....tetiba datang laa senior neh suh ktorang duk ngan senior...shit..!!xde maknanya g dinner tapi tetiba terpisah kena duk sorang2 ngan senior...bongok!!

2nd......tiba mase utk makan....waiter bukak je makanan 2,fuhh..!!tu dia....sume serbu...wei..!!agak2 r....control r ckit....yang daa terhidang tu lauk...main dish x sampai ag kot...memalukan kaum je....ak intai tengok makanan...cess..!!ak bayar mahal2 utk makan ni je kew...??WTF..!!x berbaloi langsung....tengok pn x selera...bila daa makan confirm r makan ngan x ikhlas....xde feel bukannya first time ak g dinner....sebelum nii mesti kitorang tanya persetujuan ramai dulu sebelum decide nak dish mane...ikut persetujuan niii tak,cinabeng mane yang handle dinner tu...memang 'cerdik' gile r.....

3rd.....wahh..!!ad persembahan...jom tengok...itu dia....naik pentas bawak gitar...ak memang suke tengok orang nyanyi sambil maen gitar neh....ak bukak mata luas2 nak tengok....bila dia bukak je suara.....dusshh..!!suara gila x sedap...ada hati nk nyanyi....ak pun suka ak tau suara ak xsedap,so ak nyanyi kt tempat2 tertentu je laa....hishh...!!betul laa dia tu xde rase malu....sume orang kutuk kt belakang...nasib baek tak kena baling je....buang karan betul...!!

cukup laa dulu ak wt dosa ari nii.....da senget da bahu kiri neh......kesimpulannya,dinner semalam memang hampeh...!!buang duit,buang mase..!!perhimpunan skolah ak dulu ag best....

thank God i didn't spend any money on clothes for that fucking dinner....

my rank for last night....>>fucking damn shit..!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

i am no one....just me

I’m not famous, I’m not anyone…I am me

Well, the fact is no one read my blog….so there’s no point of worrying if I miswrote something and the next day, everyone might find out about my dirty little secret..  (in case I had one)….it can be seen clearly that I am no one but an ordinary girl. I have no fan, not much followers, no secret admire, but one thing for sure, I got people who always stand up and got my back, those who always support me, (it’s not that I’m a mafia and I got my bodyguard-like-men guarding me..)…no, those people are my friends and of course my family…..they’re always there for me…during sad and bad and mad times….and happy times too….why the heck am I writing this..??it’s typical for family and friends to do that for you…everybody’s friends and family does…well, it’s nothing but to show my appreciation to them….. Can’t imagine what this world would be like without you guys…..

Thank you everyone….you guys love me…and I LOVE you back….

Double thumbs up for all….wink..

find my last....!!

haha...long time no see.....(or is it long time no write??..)

haven't been in good mood blog new entry.i wonder why....for the last two weeks,i kept on signing in kale pecet,but then sign out back.....every time i sign in,i only got this one thing in mind....and what was that..??no....not telling you....i rather cut parts of my body than writing it here....(err.....when i say part of my body i mean something like nail or hair....)...actually, i started giving up....but, a few days back...with a very little hope,i click my keyboard enter button after writing down kale pecet password...and there..!!at last..!!i sigh in relief...thought you'd stop....yo,bro..!!where have you been all these time..??i love to read what you kinda give me something,help me to understand what is meant by please,make yourself work harder on writing new me new meaning of life every day....

is it only me who think that i'm going a little emo tonight....??enough with go girl..!!now you found your cure,so CHILL..!!

got one more week here before the end of semester....headed back home next friday night.....really looking forward for that....many things happed during this last two weeks....yesterday,we got our final 3 something....not 4 flat but i think okay is holiday....tomorrow we got our dinner....farewell to my 'beloved' super senior....hah..!!to be true,i got nothing to wear for tomorrow night....didn't do any shopping...just go through my closet and find something nice enough,at least something suitable to wear for dinner....anyway,who cares..!!

did i mention i got to see doctors cutting out a patient's finger..??the one that they cut off the flesh first and then used the bone-cutter to cut the phalanges...ohh..!!think i didn't.......lalalalala

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sape Nak Mati Sila Belajar....!!

betul laa ape ak cakap 2....sape yg btul ada niat nk mati,sila laa truskan blajar....sape xpenah tau 'study is actually derived from the words student dying' angkat tgn..!!laaa....rmainya angkat tgn....(bajet cam ada 0rg baca blog ak)..ptut laa...korang bapak smangat nk study....xtau rupanya....KESIAN..!!so,skunk da tau fakta sebenar..(nii fakta ak tapi tulun laa percaya)..cukup2 laa study 2....(cehh..!!dasar pemalas ko anis..!!da ko xnak study xperlu laa susah pyh hasut org laen jgn study gak....dasar lu cinabeng..!!)

kalau study gila2 pn xsemestinya bleh jwb exam.....btul nii ak laa...da tersengguk-sengguk study bio,tp exam math...ish3....bab2 study nii..hish..!!mmg ak pntang!!sape2 yg nk study 2 tolong ya g study jauh2...jgn study depan ak..(ditujukan khas buat sue adda sham n ika)...ketat n tegang ak tengok korang..!!

ak sebenarnya da ada pengalaman da study bkn maen ag tp time exam...huh..!!hampeh..!!siap kena repeat ag...x pasal2 kena bayar extra nk repeat....benci ak titi tu...slalu ak study x jatuh bila smpai je ari exam,stat r nk buat hal...err....test nk amek lesen bleh kira sbgai exam ke..??ahh..!!lantak r...ape ak kesah!!da laa tngah nk marah neh...daa dkt 2 thn daa ak pendam kemarahan nii....

'exam' keter ak no hal....i passed with flying colors bak kata fabregas dlm slang spanyol....oleh sbb keter da pass,ak pn dengan yakinnya nk 'exam' motor laa...motor da slalu bwk...daa slalu da merempit ngan maa g pasar beli ikan sekor ayam skilo...(sebenarmya ikan skilo ayam sekor tp malas nk padam balik)....keter ak xberapa nk pro....

tp walaupun ak da pro bawak motor,ak still gak x reti2 nk kasi tongkat tengah motor 2...slalu lepas ak bawak motor ak pass je laa kt sape2 suh tolong tongkatkn....mase 1st g bengkel amek lesen 2,kan ada praktikal....mase 2 ak xtau pn nk amek lesen ni kena pndai tongkat tengah....ak pun selamba je laa bawak motor...smpai je kt kawasan parking,cikgu 2 sruh sume orang parking motor...ak pun stat laa menggelabah...bersungguh-sungguh ak berusaha nk tongkat motor 2....tarik punya tarik x jugak ak tetap berusaha...usaha tangga kejayaan bak kata cikgu skolah rendah ak dulu....tiba2,ak terasa motor begitu ringan sekali....dengan mudah ak dapat tongkat motor 2....ak tersengih sendiri....terbukti usaha itu tangga kejayaan....ak pandang ke belakang motor....nk tengok hasil usaha ak....tapi tiba2 bbir ak jadi kaku...da x jadi nk senyum....rupa-rupanya ada mamat mane ntah yang tolong tarik motor 2....dia dah tersengih-sengih dah...nii mesti dalam ati dia kutuk ak....ak apa ag,trus laa cover,control ckit then ckp terima kasih....

yg tu hal mase 1st masuk ak still xpuas ati pasal fail 'exam'....mase tggu turn nk stat 2 ak da siap berdoa bermacam-macam jenis doa ag....amek berkat...akhirnya saat yg dinanti-nanti tiba...lmpu hijau menyala...tanpa berlengah panjang ak pulas minyak....vrooommm..!!dup..!!aikk..aikk!!nape ak kt bawah titi....cis..!!fail..!!tp ak wt muka selamba trus je jalan g bahagian 3 plak....kali nii sume berjalan lncar...ak tengok kiri,tengok kanan,jumpe simpang ak libas2 tangan,brek slow2 smbil angkat tgn tnda nk stop....ak rase cam bodo je wt cam2,so ak pura2 angkat nk sapa bila dipikirkn balik,mase 2 xde orang pn dpn ak...xpe laa....kiranya mase 2 ak angkat tgn kt divider dpn ak je laa ye....

mcm yg ak ckp td,sumenye brjalan lncar.........................................hinggalah smpai kt parking....

ape..??ingat ak xbleh parking ke..??come on laa ak laa...anak pakcik halim...ak da bleh da tongkat tengah motor 2....setelah berjaya,ak pun apa lagi...terus r tersengih-sengih macam kerang rebus yg x abes makan simpan smpai 2 minggu....setelah ak memberi penghormatan n mengucapkan  trima kasih kpada mereka yg tepuk tangan n ucapkan tahniah pada ak..(ehh..!!ada ke..????)...ak nk bwk motor 2 balik ke tmpat asal beliau iaitu di kilang org yg jaga mot0r tu cakap x payah susah2...bawakl kt tmpat simpan motor kt situ je...smpai skarang pun ak still ag x paham nape dia tolak niat baek ak tu....

ak pegang motor tu,ak tolak ke depan,nk kasi bukak tongkat,nape tersekat neh....ak x sempat pikir apa2 dah...ak tgk je motor tu terbalik ke arah bertentangan ngan ak....hek eleh motor nii...tacing ngan ak r tu sbb x bagi dia naik titi sampai abes td...ak sebenarnya nk marah da motor ak msih punye banyak iman...ak sabar....ak pujuk leklok...ak angkat beliau...ak malas laa nk wt drama kt situ laa...tmpat kejadian tu betul2 depan orang ngah tggu turn nk 'exam' motor....konfem laa ramai gila orang tengok...ak bukannya apa,kang x pasal2 diorang tuduh ak yg wt jahat kt motor tu okey la lagi...ak paling tkut diorang cop motor tu yg gedik...ak x suke orang cop motor tu bukan2....lepas ak angkat beliau,ak ajak beliau g maen jauh2...ak pimpin kedua-dua tgn beliau smbil wt muka control ayu kt penonton2 drama tadi.....


sebenarnya masa ak berhenti motor sebelum parking 2,ak lupe nk free gear.......sbb tu sangkut masa nk bukak tongkat tuu....

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Let There Be Loved...!!

For the past six months, I lived a meaningless life….the same routine every day after the accident that ripe out my soul off my body. The image is still playing clearly like a film inside my head. We were both in a car, heading home after enjoying ourselves at the theme park. It was a week after the end of school. He was driving calmly. I glanced at the dashboard, it was 11 p.m. suddenly, a bright light flashed from nowhere straight into our eyes. We could see nothing except the light. He lost control on the car. He swerved to the right….and it happened. I can still hear the screaming tires and the busting glass. I turned to him….he hardly breathing. I reached for him…. I held him tight… I kissed him…our last kiss…. I lost my lost my love, my life that night….
But, something happened this morning. I was walking with a bunch of friends, heading to the lecture hall. This was the moment that I saw him. He’s no other extraordinary boys. He’s just a boy, a common boy. But, seeing him made me turn twice. Everything about him makes me want to take not only second, but third, fourth, no….as many glance as I can. At the moment, I felt like my heart was strike, maybe by lightning. Oh man….how can I handle this?? I’m actually late for class, so I just walked passed him, take a last glance and walk away. Well, maybe it’s nothing.
It’s 2 am in the morning. I tried to sleep, but I can’t. what’s wrong with me? I can’t think of anything, except one thing….the boy! From the moment I saw him, I can’t help myself from thinking about him. What’s with that boy? I couldn’t think of anything special about him….but I can’t stop thinking about him. The way he walks, the way he dressed, the way he smiles, the way he do his hair….everything!! Aaaahhhhhh…. I’ve felt this kind of feeling once, but it faded not long ago….and now I’m having this kind of feeling one more time…. I felt in love….
 I’ve always looking forward to see him. Everywhere I go, my eyes kept searching for him. Sometimes I saw him….sometimes I don’t. Every time I saw him, I’m so excited…. I’m on top of the world….and if I don’t, I just kept searching and hoping to find him. My heart was shining again…. I got a new spirit…. I ran my daily life with a new hope. Day by day, I started to know him. Little by little, I learned something about him. I knew his name, from which class he is, I even got his photos….but something for sure, he doesn’t even jnow that I’m exist….that I’m here, watching him….he doesn’t even know….because I’m just watching him from a distance….that’s the truth….

“It’s hard to wait around for something you know might never happen, but it’s even harder to give up especially when it’s everything you ever wanted”….this quote suits me well. I want him that much….but I know it’s impossible. Sometimes I feel like giving up, and move on….but I can’t…. I just can’t. The more I pushed, some more I’m pulling back towards him. Sometimes I feel like walking straight towards him and confess. But I don’t have the strength….the spirit to do so. What am I gonna do?? God….help me….

It’s a big night tonight. There will be show and anyone can join it. What made it big is he’ll be playing tonight. I just can’t wait to watch him.

to be continued....

haha...klaka cite neh....byk lirik2 lagu diciplak ke dalam cite neh....terhasilnya cite neh hnya utk kepuasan dri semata-mata....

he's s0 super DAMN co0l...!!!

few days ag0,i f0und this bl0g "Fuck The Super Not Cool"....why is it named like that??d0es he wanna fuck th0se that super n0t c0ol??why the heck am i asking this?leave that questi0n's n0t really matter anyway....all that matter here is he's s0 super damn co0l..!!i fell in luv with that bl0g since i 1st started reading it....he's n0t that p0pular actually....c0mpared t0 th0se a few bl0ggers i knew...but,if u put t0gether me n him,0f c0urse it'll be like putting a sp0on 0f sweet c0rn next t0 a p0t full 0f sweet c0rn...(can i use this as a c0mparis0n??ahh!!d0esn't's my bl0g,s0 it depends 0n me h0w i want it t0 be like....well,actually i feel like eating sweet c0rn right n0w)....sweet c0rn in a spo0n and a p0t...can u see the difference between us....a little am0unt 0f sweet c0rn and a large am0unt 0f sweet c0rn....what the hell am i babling here??well,the p0int here is he's m0re p0pular than me,m0re well-kn0wn than me,g0t m0re f0ll0wers c0mpared t0 me,and 0f c0urse m0re in the c0unt 0f age c0mpared t0 me...hah..!!ENOUGH with all the nonsense talk.

what is it ab0ut this guy that i like him s0 much??let me think....well,t0 be true,i know nothing about him...NOTHING!!he's identity is being kept secret....and that makes me more curious to know him...actually,i do know a little about him...his name is zul...don't ask me his full name...he's 24 this year...he got 6 siblings and his mom is single mom....he adores his mom so much...he used to study in a boarding scho0l and during those time,he's one of the band members...what instrument did he used to played??i dunno..maybe flutes,maybe drum,maybe tuba,maybe trombone,or maybe thrombine...ok!lie!!thrombine is used in blo0d clotting..!!continue with this so super damn co0l guy who called himself so super not co0l.....(didn't he realize he'd been m0re cooler than c0ol by calling himself that??)...he's still studying somewhere in KL right now...and he's specky....(me to0)....

then,about his blog....he's not someone who wrote anything that will make we laugh ourselves till our tummy explode(this one is razman)..he's not someone who wrote something to criticize anyone(well,maybe he did...a little)...he's not someone who wrote everything about himself(of course not...i've already said this before)...he's not someone who wrote about his lovey-dovey love life....(he doesn't find his true love yet..except for his mom )....why am i keep saying about stuff he doesn't wrote??what about those that he wrote??i dunno....i dunno how to describe...just read it thing that i'm completely sure,he luv to use harsh know the F***word,S*** word....n i kinda like that....harsh but full of meaning n moral value....

right now i'm waiting for his new entry....

why the heck am i writing this in english..??this so super damn c0ol guy wrote his blog in english..that's why...any other reasons??maybe just to practice my english...i haven't been using it for quite a long time...n sure i don't want my already-terrible-and-suck-only-waiting-to-rust-english to be worst....haha...!!gud point,i think..!!maybe after this i'm going to write more in english...hahh..!!i guess so....

Friday, November 5, 2010


di ptg yg damai lgi tenang.....da msuk wktu asar tp ak x smayang ag....ak ngah sy0k maen game tetris....ak suke sgt game nii....ak pling trg0da lau tgk brick game yg slalu ak maen time kecik2 dlu....xde bnda laen yg ak maen...tetris je....dh lame dh ak xmaen menatang 2....bru2 nii ak tgk ad s0rang adek kt wad 2 maen brick game...terg0da si0tt!!!!nseb baek ak ingt ag ak g wad bkn nk maen2...ak kena blaja....lau x da lame daa ak mntak nk mean brick game adek 2....yg brick game nii plak 1 skunk nii ad mcm2 jnis pattern brick ak suke yg 1 2 je...yg stail lame punye....fulamakk!!terg0da abes...tangkap leleh.....

haaa!!!nii laa brick game yg ak suke 2....daa lame daa ak xmaen bnda nii.....ak ingat last skali ak beli menatang neh taun lepas...kt mydin k0ta bharu...mse 2 mydin mall klntan x bkak ag...ak mse 2 ak still study kt mtrik...ak tggal menatang neh kt umah....mse cuti sem ak blik umah nk maen bnda neh...ak cri punya cari tp xjmpe...ak tnya maa....maa dgn tenang jwb..."daa xwjud daa brick game al0ng 2...adek laki al0ng 2 laa....abes pmutar skru abah dye amek nk bkak brick game al0ng"...sblum 2 biar ak gtau,adek ak 2 umur 4thn mse 2...skunk da 5 thn..thn dpn 6 thn plak,then 7 thn......0k anis!ckup!!kmbali ke citer asal....n mmg dye brjaya bkak....daa tmt daa riwayat brick game ak....kempunan nk maen.....!!

ckup cter psl tetris n brick game...sbnrnya ak nk st0ry ckit ke'exited'an ak ptg neh....tgh2 ak sy0k maen tetris 2,tetiba trdengar laa bnyi yg sgt kuat dtg dari ats langit...ak ingtkn bumblebee ngah fight ngan megatr0n...trus je ak smbunyi kt bwh meja....ak mmg daa cuak laa...mne laa tau tetiba tembakan dy0rang trkena ak....ak n the gengapa lagi...msing2 trus pnjat ape yg ada trmasuk laa katil n meja sbb nk tgk bnyi ape sbnarnya 2....nii tingkap tnggi punye psl laa neh...da laa ak ni mmg g0l0ngan 'merendah diri'...kena laa pnjat ckit lau nk tgk....ak ngan ika cbuk intai kt blakang apartment pkrja smbil berdiskusi..."bnyi ape 2 ekk??mne bnda yg bnyi 2??msti kt blakang apartment neh...k0 dgr x??bnyi kt blakang 2 kn??"...tiba2 sue adda sham brsuara.."wei b0ng0k!!kt sana laa...."smbil jarinya yg pnjang sepanjang galah l0mpat tinggi 2 menunjuk ke arah dataran helik0pter kt depan asrama....ak ngan ika serentak brpling....waahhh!!ad elik0kte(helik0pter dlm sebutan adek ak yg um0 5 thn tu)....ak tgk ramai 0rg brpusu-pusu....rupa2 nya elik0kte 2 transfer ptient dri spital al0rsetar ke spital sg petani....mklum laa...skunk nii kn bnjir..(tetiba tringat kt aza...cian dye xbleh blek raye....hakhakhak...)naek smangat ak tgk 0rg ngah kalut2 transfer patient...t0lak stretcher,t0lak silinder 0ksigen,t0lak inkubat0r baby,t0lak elik0kte sbb x idup nk stat........ehh!!ter 0ver plak....SUDAH ANIS!!ak n the geng trus jee tgk elik0kte 2 tnpa jemu2....(prlu ditegaskn d cni kami bukan g0l0ngan umat yg x penah tgk elik0kte...kami hnya brminat...)akhirnya elik0kte berlepas pulang...elik0kte 2 n0 4...same cam n0 fabregas...hehehehe

stelah puas tgk elik0kte,ak pun merangka ayat nk wt status FB....ps2 nk smayang....tiba2 ika n sue adda sham wt jahat kt ak....dy0rang nk bagi hint kt 'awak' yg saya suke 'awak'....saya bukannya apa 'awak',,,saya xnak laa 'awak' tau....maluu...lagipun kita daa el0k2 kawan...saya xnak laa prsahabatan kita r0sak sbb prasaan saya neh....huhu....'awak' sudi jadi kwn saya pun saya daa ckup hepi...jahat kn ika n sue adda sham....!!smpai nangis2 saya dy0rang wt....

lps abes sume drama sir mata 2,ak pn g laa amek air smayang n smayang asar...tgh2 khusyuk ak smayang,ad laa plak bnyi yg ckup ak knal mncul...skali ag elik0kte smpai...ak mase 2 rakaat kedua....dlm ati ak berkata-kata...."alamak!!mcm mne nii...ak tgh ak nk tgk elik0kte landing....xkan laa nk st0p smayang plak...daa laa wktu daa nk abes"....akhirnya ak kuatkn smangat abeskan smayang....abes smayang trus je ak ajak the geng g tgk elik0kte dri dekat....ak glung telek0ng,capai sweater,sarung tdung,trus kluar blik....lapt0p tggal cm2 je...nsib baek ak pakai sluar pnjang mse 2....x salin baju ag lepas g kafe tghari td...slalunya ak pkai bju kan best gak lau bleh kluar pkai bju rasmi....sh0rtpant n tshirt team ak xpenah wt cam2 0k....ak masih waras....ak n the geng bergegas ke dataran 2....waaahhh!!sy0knye rasa dibuai-buai angin elik0kte....terg0da i nyah....!!i like..!!ak gtau ika ak nk wt status 'bangganya kena angin elik0kte' minah neh cpt je wt muka sep0sen n merengek-rengek kt ak..rengekannya berbunyi begini..."anis...mung kea wt dh status ari nii...ak laa plak...deh...deh..." nasib beak laa ak ni jenis baek ati lagi pemurah...ak izinkan je....lpas 2 kami g jalan2 kt spital smbil teman ain bo0lat g beli nasik dengan prasaan yg sgt gembira.....0n the way blik ke h0stel,kami berbual-bual smbil wt suara sengau dgn niat bru....lau ad 0rang nk usha kt0rang psni,kt0rang nk wt2 sengau....hahahaha...sape2 yg ada niat 2,jaga2 laa ye.....

sekian laa sudah cter kali nii....xtau laa m0tif sebenar ak yg psti ari nii ak xstudy ag....ari isnin nii final 2nd paper,micr0be...anat0my daa lepas....huhu...gud day sume.....ak nk g bsuh baju....ASSALAMUALAIKUM...!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

saya 0re klate....!!

yeaahhhhh!!!!0ne kelantan.....0ne inspirati0n!!isu terbaru yg panas lagi h0t....hangat diperkatakan di sluruh malaysia....klate juara piala malaysia 2010....ak bagga jadi an0k klate....(rasa bangga membuak-buak d0ptau dh gan0 n0p 0yap)....

aku ingat ag tahun lepas, frust tunggeng teng0k klate kal0h nge n9....punye laa sblum 2 maen sdak tiba2 masa final....sume hanc0ss!!sbb 2 tahun nii ak harap sangat klate menang...malu laa klu klah pl0p....

sblum final>>

persiapan ak sblum final piala malaysia 2010....tukar pr0file pic fb....add pemain2 ak frust sbb ak xleh g stadium....ak n0p sngt g tgk live d stadium....smangat tgk kt tv n tgk kt stadium nii rezeki x mengizinkan ak g stadium....tgk jah laa kt tv...

semasa final>>

awal2 ag bersiap-siap g tggu tv....paka bju ak paka baju arsenal....n0p paka baju klate tp tkut 0re 0yap ssungguh sangat sbb 0re laen paka biasa2 ggegar r blik tv kt asrama....1st half 2 meme d0p puah hati....n9 ak tetap xptus asa...ak tau klate is da memasuki 2nd half....tiba2 hai-0 menyumbang g0l pertama klate....ak n da geng bers0rak....ak n sue adda sham bet dah male nih klate menang 2-1....dan akhirnya g0l kemengan trcipta menerusi jaringan piya....ak ras0 sup0 n0p pec0h dh jantung....n at last,wisel penamat ditiup...klate mengesahkn kemenangan 2-1 ke ats n9....

selepas final>>

ak berlari-lari msuk blik....buka fb k0ngsi kegembiraan...tukar pl0p pr0file kegembiraan ak x berakhir ag....lbih kure 1jm lps 2 arsenal pl0p menang 1-0 ke atas west ham....ak suka sgt...mo0d ak baek ari 2...ak tgk fb byk gmbar saem2 ak upl0ad....sdak sek dy0 bleh g stadium...

ak suka b0la...ak se0rang red warri0r n ak juga se0rang gunners....impian ak,ak n0p g tgk match klate secara live d stadium n 0f c0urse ak n0p g emirates....jejaka2 ensem kt luar sana sila take n0te....byk2 tmpat di dunia ni,ak n0p g l0nd0n...ak n0p g stadium emirates n wizardry w0rld 0f harry p0tter....apa2 pun...idup klate...idup THE RED WARRIORS!!

pr0file pic sblum final
pr0file pic lepas final
peny0k0ng the red warri0rs
tr0fi kemenangan