
Sunday, November 7, 2010

he's s0 super DAMN co0l...!!!

few days ag0,i f0und this bl0g "Fuck The Super Not Cool"....why is it named like that??d0es he wanna fuck th0se that super n0t c0ol??why the heck am i asking this?leave that questi0n's n0t really matter anyway....all that matter here is he's s0 super damn co0l..!!i fell in luv with that bl0g since i 1st started reading it....he's n0t that p0pular actually....c0mpared t0 th0se a few bl0ggers i knew...but,if u put t0gether me n him,0f c0urse it'll be like putting a sp0on 0f sweet c0rn next t0 a p0t full 0f sweet c0rn...(can i use this as a c0mparis0n??ahh!!d0esn't's my bl0g,s0 it depends 0n me h0w i want it t0 be like....well,actually i feel like eating sweet c0rn right n0w)....sweet c0rn in a spo0n and a p0t...can u see the difference between us....a little am0unt 0f sweet c0rn and a large am0unt 0f sweet c0rn....what the hell am i babling here??well,the p0int here is he's m0re p0pular than me,m0re well-kn0wn than me,g0t m0re f0ll0wers c0mpared t0 me,and 0f c0urse m0re in the c0unt 0f age c0mpared t0 me...hah..!!ENOUGH with all the nonsense talk.

what is it ab0ut this guy that i like him s0 much??let me think....well,t0 be true,i know nothing about him...NOTHING!!he's identity is being kept secret....and that makes me more curious to know him...actually,i do know a little about him...his name is zul...don't ask me his full name...he's 24 this year...he got 6 siblings and his mom is single mom....he adores his mom so much...he used to study in a boarding scho0l and during those time,he's one of the band members...what instrument did he used to played??i dunno..maybe flutes,maybe drum,maybe tuba,maybe trombone,or maybe thrombine...ok!lie!!thrombine is used in blo0d clotting..!!continue with this so super damn co0l guy who called himself so super not co0l.....(didn't he realize he'd been m0re cooler than c0ol by calling himself that??)...he's still studying somewhere in KL right now...and he's specky....(me to0)....

then,about his blog....he's not someone who wrote anything that will make we laugh ourselves till our tummy explode(this one is razman)..he's not someone who wrote something to criticize anyone(well,maybe he did...a little)...he's not someone who wrote everything about himself(of course not...i've already said this before)...he's not someone who wrote about his lovey-dovey love life....(he doesn't find his true love yet..except for his mom )....why am i keep saying about stuff he doesn't wrote??what about those that he wrote??i dunno....i dunno how to describe...just read it thing that i'm completely sure,he luv to use harsh know the F***word,S*** word....n i kinda like that....harsh but full of meaning n moral value....

right now i'm waiting for his new entry....

why the heck am i writing this in english..??this so super damn c0ol guy wrote his blog in english..that's why...any other reasons??maybe just to practice my english...i haven't been using it for quite a long time...n sure i don't want my already-terrible-and-suck-only-waiting-to-rust-english to be worst....haha...!!gud point,i think..!!maybe after this i'm going to write more in english...hahh..!!i guess so....


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