
Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Once upon a time, there was a girl named Grace Brisbane. There was nothing particularly special about her, except that she was good with numbers, and very good at lying, and she made her home in between the pages of books. She loved all the wolves behind her house, but she loved one of them most of all.

And this one loved her back. He loved her back so hard that even the things that weren't special about her became special: the way she tapped her pencil on her teeth, the off-key songs she sang in the shower, how when she kissed him he knew it meant forever.

Hers was a memory made up of snapshots: being dragged through the snow by a pack of wolves, first kiss tasting of oranges, saying goodbye behind a cracked windshield.

A life made up of promises of what could be: the possibilities contained in a stack of college applications, the thrill of sleeping under the same roof, the future that lay in Sam's smile.

It was a life she didn't want to leave behind.
It was a life she didn't want to forget.

She wasn't done with it yet. There was so much more to say.

Looking forward to know what will happen to them. Plus, it'll feel good if Cole and Isabel can be together.

Coming soon....July 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

This One Goes For Him....Happy Birthday Awak

Happy birthday awak. Semoga awak panjang umur dan sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki. Semoga awak berjaya dalam karier awak. sepanjang 6 tahun mengenali awak, saya gembira sangat. Walaupun jarak yang jauh memisahkan kita, tapi saya sentiasa ingat awak. Wajah awak sentiasa menghiasi background laptop saya. Sampai maa pun bising berleter bila dia nampak muka awak. Maa cakap saya ni xde benda lain nak ingat, ingat awak je. Tengok, betapa pentingnya awak dalam hidup saya. Tapi kan awak, baru-baru ni awak cakap awak nak pindah. Kalau awak pindah, maknanya awak lagi jauh dari saya. Tapi, apa-apapun saya still akan sokong dan hormat keputusan awak sebab saya tahu itu untuk masa depan awak. Apa yang penting, awak akan sentiasa berada di hati saya. Sekali lagi saya ucapkan, Happy 24th birthday....


Thursday, April 21, 2011

oooo...mereka memang suka mencarut rupanya

Memang aku dah lama dah perhatikan diorang ni. Memang suka benar diorang mencarut. Pelengkap hidup gamaknya. Kadang-kadang aku tergelak sensorang mengenangkan kebongokan diorang, kadang-kadang aku tersenyum sinis dan kadang-kadang aku menyampah habis ngan diorang ni.

Sape diorang ni sebenarnya...?? Tak payah laa aku sebut nama sebenar sebab sememangnya aku pun tak tau nama sebenar diorang. Tapi diorang ni memang perangai sama je. Bab-bab mencarut bagi je kat diorang. Sape diorang..??!! Diorang tu tak lain tak bukan para penulis novel yang 'dikasihi' sekalian.

Aku sangat-sangat tak faham dengan novel-novel yang ada kat pasaran sekarang. Kualiti langsung tak ada. Memang syarikat penerbitan terdesak sangat ke nak terbitkan novel hinggakan novel hampeh cam tu boleh publish. Senang gila kot nak jadi penulis sekarang. Hantar je karya kat penulisan 2u pastu dapat publish novel. 

Daripada apa yang aku nampak, semua jalan cerita novel sama. Hero ngan heroin saling tak menyukai, gaduh-gaduh pastu start jatuh cinta, muncul laa watak ketiga, jadi laa misunderstanding, eksiden, insaf, berbaik balik, kawin, pregnant, TAMAT. Jalan cerita sama tu dah satu hal. Yang nak dijadikan isu ni, terang-terangan benda yang diorang tulis tu salah. Bercanggahan dengan fakta. munafik tu namanya..!!Sape tak nak lepas SPM dah boleh terus wat degree. Sape taknak belajar taekwondo setahun dah boleh dapat black belt. Sape taknak..?? Dah laa stail penulisan tak matured langsung. Cam hampeh..!!

Seriously, sekarang aku just boleh layan Siti Rosmizah ngan Hlovate je. Nasib baik laa aku nii jenis tak beli novel melayu. Aku lagi rela berhabis duit lebih sikit beli Stephenie Meyer ngan Maggie Stiefvater dari beli novel melayu. Kat mana laa kualiti melayu kita.

Jom kita ramai-ramai tulis novel post kat penulisan 2u. Nanti kita tulis lepas tadika terus wat master plak. 

Friday, February 18, 2011


kenapa tiap2 bulan mesti berlaku benda yg sama kt ak...??
boring daa ak... 
tiap2 awal bulan mesti jadi benda nii....
ak tak suka laa....
menyusahkan hidup betul..!!
kalau jadi jarang2 xpe r....
ak bleh consider ag....
tp nii dah smpai tahap menguji kesabaran ak.....
tiap2 bulan kot...!!
ak xtau laa nak wat cmne nak bagi benda nii tak jadi dah.....
tiap2 bulan mesti benda ni datang...
tiap2 bulan ak dapat mesej nii...

friendly reminder: your broadband usage almost reaching the limit of 5GB per month.bla bla bla.............................................................................

kenapa benda nii harus terjadi....
ak nak download citer pun x senang....

Sunday, January 30, 2011

let there be loved part II

tadi ak baru perasan yang entry ni masih ag tersimpan kemas as draft...ak x perasan pun sebelum ni yang ak x publish ag smbungan citer yg ntah ape2 ari 2....

When it came to his turn, I saw him walking to the centre of the stage, holding his black guitar….then, he speaks….this song specially goes to someone I really adore….the love of my life….she might didn’t know that I’ve been watching her for all this time….and I think tonight is the best moment for her to know….this song goes to you,………………….. the last word coming from his mouth really got me a shock of my life….he said my name and his finger is pointing right at me…. I can’t hear nothing except his voice singing….

I’m all about  you
I’m all about us
No baby you never have to question my love
And every night there’s a new crowd
But it’s always you I’m singing about
There is only one
This word are going out true
Oh girl…. I’m all about you

Now I really had new life. I just can’t believe that he feels the same way I felt about him. We really had a wonderful life….he’s  my knight in shining armour….he lends me his ear all the time, he lends me his shoulder when I’m crying, he comforts me when I’m not comfortable, he sings to me when I’m not in a good mood, he calls me when he’s not around, he bought me presents when it comes to my special day, he’s always there for me when I need him, he took care of me when I was sick….he was my eyes when I couldn’t see….he was my air when I couldn’t breathe….he was my strength when I was down….he’s my everything….

Everything seems to be running perfectly, until one day when me and him were walking at the park. There were not many people around. We walked hand in hand. He smiled to me and told me to take care of myself well…. I just nodded…well, as long as he’s around, I’ll be just fine. We kept on walking. Out of blue, three men showed up from behind the bushes….all of them holding a knife…. I was so panicked…who are they? What did they want? But all the questions only kept lingering In my head. I was so scared that I’m unable to speak. One of them grabbed me and put a knife on my throat. Only God knew what I felt that time. He ran forward to save me but the other two guys had him and stabbed him on his tummy. He felt on his knee….the three guys ran away immediately.

I ran quickly towards him. He was all bleeding….my head was empty….there were no people that I could ask for help….and it’s impossible for me to go for help and leave him alone. He groaned in pain….he smiled at me and said, “ hold me darling just a little while “….and then his eyes closed….i screamed his name but there were no replied….now he’s gone even though I held him tight…. I felt like my world is turning upside down….it’s getting harder for me to breathe….in my head, I kept asking him, where were you when I wasn’t alright….you knew that I wasn’t alright….you left me thinking I’d be alright….won’t you come back to me….it’s crazy but I’m falling apart….it’s crazy how you leaving me scared….it’s crzy boy wherever you are….” Well, it’s hard for me to live without blood running through my vein….why do I have to face this for a second time….and suddenly an answer came to my mind….maybe love is not for everyone…………”

Saturday, January 22, 2011

paying debt II

atiqah ramli....sori amek mase lame hope mg puas hati....

25 things about me yg MAYBE korang xtau....
(prkataan maybe di capslock kan n di bold kan sbb munglin ade org da tau...)

1. honestly, ak xtau ape yang ak nak cakap neh

2. and ak gak xtau ape yang ak perlu cakap kt sini

3. so, mari laa kita sama2 bercakap benda yang ntah ape-ape....

4. haaa..!!tang ni ak suke...nombor 4...!!i loikke..!!nombor faveret player ak...

5. sori...seriously ak xtau nak tulis,ak nak mintak maaf dari lubuk hati yang paling dalam ngan atiqah ramli..."sori mek..!!ak wat ngarut jah neh.."

6. ak seorang student nurse..!!ok, yang tu ramai org da tau....yang bab ak sebenarnya xnak jadi nurse pun org da yang sebenarnya jujur ak katakan,ak memang xtau nak amek course ape kt u....mase isi upu,ak maen hentam je...ak pasrah n redha..yang mane dapat,itulah rezeki ak...satu je yang ak harapkan mase tu,ak lau bleh xnak da blajar math....ak dapat course software kt,ak pikir maybe i am destined to be a software engineer even ak xpenah trpikir pon.....genap 2 minggu ak kt sana,tetiba ak dapat tawaran SPA dan dgn hati yang redha ak pegi SPA...n trang tang tang laa skunk neh memang ak xyah blajar math...juz memerah otak menghadap anatomy,microbe,medical surgical,pharmacology n seangkatan dengannya....

7. ak suka sangat bola sepak

8. tapi ak x maen pun bola sepak...xpenah....

9. tp lam laptop ak ada game winning eleven ngan PES2011

10. tp yang tu pun ak xmaen...adik ak yang install...ak maen edit2 muka player je...

11. oleh sbb ak tgh blaja mende alah ni skunk,ak terpikir bleh tak lau 1 ari nanti ak nak g keje ngan arsenal...jd paramedic...bleh jumpe ngan pemain2 kesayangan ak,bleh treat abe cesc...hihihihihi

12. best nye lau ak dapat kawen ngan pemain bola....sbb pemain bola neh sume macho2....even muka x ensem skali pon,tp bila tgh main...perghh..!! cair wa cakap lu..!!lau bab duit xyah cakap r...konfem r kaya...

13. satu ari mase ngah kemas2 dapur pas brekfes, mase tu ak ngah borak2 ngan adik ak sal pemain bola...tetiba maa ak menyampuk....ayat beliau berbunyi begini.." long, lau jumpa pemain bola sorang da ok da tuu...." hehehehe...ak tersengih lebar...maa da bagi masalahnya skunk ad ke pemain bola yang nak kan ak neh....hakhakhak

14. skunk ni ak single n ak xnak kapel....alhamdulillah stakat neh azam ak still ag tersemat kemas...langsung x tergugat....ak bukannya ape,byk sebenarnya keburukan kapel neh...da laa xde mase utk diri sendiri,dosa pun lau tetiba fadhli shas ajak ak kapel,konfem hancoss berkecai azam yg da lama ak simpan tuu...huhu...sape xnak pemain bola ensem+muda+kaya....haha

15. mase zaman kt skolah dulu ak x suke amek gambar...x suke sgt2...ak slalu je meng'offer'kan diri jadi skunk ak rasa menyesal yg amat sgt....ckit je gambar mase ak kt skolah dulu..

16. ak sangat suka nasyid...err...!!ok...nii tipu..!!....lagu faizal tahir pun jangan harap ak layan,nii kn pula nasyid.....

17. i really really really really love vampire..!!ensem + cool..

18. tp ad skali tu ak gtau kt maa ak best gak lau bleh jumpa vampire....n maa ak terus cakap dengan nada yg penuh sopan n lembut...."nak jumpa sgt ye...kang nanti malam muncul pontianak mase ngah tidur nak..??bleh r jumpa...."..ohh tidakk..!!terasa seram tetiba....

19. ak x suka hantu n ak x tengok cite hantu n cite!!ak ingat daa....ak tgk supernatural...wahh..!!baru ak sedar rupanya ak nii still ad kekuatan utk tgk cite hantu....(fuhh..!!nasib baek dean ngan sam ensem....terbela maruah ak..)

20. tahun nii umur ak 20 tahun..

21. berdasarkan fakta no.13 dan no.18....ak bleh wat satu conclusion...maa ak sbnarnya nak bermenantukan pemain bola,bukannya, sori abg2 vampire semua...kita x bley kawen laa...skandal je laa ekk...

22. prinsip ak senang je....buat laa ape korang nak buat asalkan korang x kacau hidup ak....

23. ak sangat suka langgar peraturan....ikut suka ak r....ak x kacau hidup orang kan...lau nak kena tindakan skali pun, ak yang kena....lagipun,rules are made to be broken,right..????

24. ak sangat bermasalah dalam bab2 nak beli handphone....kureng duit tu 1 yang penting skali, ak xtau nak beli handphone camne....kang macam2 jenis handphone ad skunk.....naik pening ak nak,senang cite,ak still ak gune handphone lama...yang ak slalu sorok mase warden nak wat spotcheck dulu....banyak kenangan laa handphone nii....even da buruk tp ak sayang....lagipun handphone ak nii mahal....lau skunk memang laa x mahal time abah ak belikan utk ak dulu mahal ag handphone neh....haha

25. da penat mencarut,akhirnya ak kekeringan idea....haha.....ak chow dulu...ASSALAMUALAIKUM.....

yang sebenar-benarnya tag nii kena jawab 25 benda tentang diri memang ak x tau nak cakap ape,so ak melalut-lalut je laa...sekian..

paying debt I

tasya....this one goes 4 u....>>
First, kena copy gamba kat bawah nie.

Second, pendapat tentang blog dari mata hati.
err.....hatiku tidak bermata....i think....heheh

Third, tunjukkan gamba dekstop anda.

then, Snap gamba anda sekarang. (Tak kira apa jua keadaan.)

after that, Adakah anda perna hilang barang kesayangan ?
of's a long story though...

then, the word to describe si Dia (If you have any)
satu satu syg pd Allah
dua dua sayang rasulullah
tiga tiga sayang ibu ayah
satu dua tiga sayang DIRI SENDIRI..!!

Tag sepuluh blogger yang chumel andd sweet
sori 2 say tp yg ni xbleh nk complete kn kot....
juz nk tag a few je...

Friday, January 21, 2011


i think i found a flower in the field of weeds
searching until my hands bleed
this flower don't belong to me
why can't he belongs to me....