Once upon a time, there was a girl named Grace Brisbane. There was nothing particularly special about her, except that she was good with numbers, and very good at lying, and she made her home in between the pages of books. She loved all the wolves behind her house, but she loved one of them most of all.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Posted by kale pecet at 8:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
This One Goes For Him....Happy Birthday Awak
Happy birthday awak. Semoga awak panjang umur dan sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki. Semoga awak berjaya dalam karier awak. sepanjang 6 tahun mengenali awak, saya gembira sangat. Walaupun jarak yang jauh memisahkan kita, tapi saya sentiasa ingat awak. Wajah awak sentiasa menghiasi background laptop saya. Sampai maa pun bising berleter bila dia nampak muka awak. Maa cakap saya ni xde benda lain nak ingat, ingat awak je. Tengok, betapa pentingnya awak dalam hidup saya. Tapi kan awak, baru-baru ni awak cakap awak nak pindah. Kalau awak pindah, maknanya awak lagi jauh dari saya. Tapi, apa-apapun saya still akan sokong dan hormat keputusan awak sebab saya tahu itu untuk masa depan awak. Apa yang penting, awak akan sentiasa berada di hati saya. Sekali lagi saya ucapkan, Happy 24th birthday....
Posted by kale pecet at 4:51 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 21, 2011
oooo...mereka memang suka mencarut rupanya
Memang aku dah lama dah perhatikan diorang ni. Memang suka benar diorang mencarut. Pelengkap hidup gamaknya. Kadang-kadang aku tergelak sensorang mengenangkan kebongokan diorang, kadang-kadang aku tersenyum sinis dan kadang-kadang aku menyampah habis ngan diorang ni.
Sape diorang ni sebenarnya...?? Tak payah laa aku sebut nama sebenar sebab sememangnya aku pun tak tau nama sebenar diorang. Tapi diorang ni memang perangai sama je. Bab-bab mencarut bagi je kat diorang. Sape diorang..??!! Diorang tu tak lain tak bukan para penulis novel yang 'dikasihi' sekalian.
Aku sangat-sangat tak faham dengan novel-novel yang ada kat pasaran sekarang. Kualiti langsung tak ada. Memang syarikat penerbitan terdesak sangat ke nak terbitkan novel hinggakan novel hampeh cam tu boleh publish. Senang gila kot nak jadi penulis sekarang. Hantar je karya kat penulisan 2u pastu dapat publish novel.
Daripada apa yang aku nampak, semua jalan cerita novel sama. Hero ngan heroin saling tak menyukai, gaduh-gaduh pastu start jatuh cinta, muncul laa watak ketiga, jadi laa misunderstanding, eksiden, insaf, berbaik balik, kawin, pregnant, TAMAT. Jalan cerita sama tu dah satu hal. Yang nak dijadikan isu ni, terang-terangan benda yang diorang tulis tu salah. Bercanggahan dengan fakta. munafik tu namanya..!!Sape tak nak lepas SPM dah boleh terus wat degree. Sape taknak belajar taekwondo setahun dah boleh dapat black belt. Sape taknak..?? Dah laa stail penulisan tak matured langsung. Cam hampeh..!!
Seriously, sekarang aku just boleh layan Siti Rosmizah ngan Hlovate je. Nasib baik laa aku nii jenis tak beli novel melayu. Aku lagi rela berhabis duit lebih sikit beli Stephenie Meyer ngan Maggie Stiefvater dari beli novel melayu. Kat mana laa kualiti melayu kita.
Jom kita ramai-ramai tulis novel post kat penulisan 2u. Nanti kita tulis lepas tadika terus wat master plak.
Posted by kale pecet at 10:06 AM 2 comments
Friday, February 18, 2011
Posted by kale pecet at 1:51 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 30, 2011
let there be loved part II
When it came to his turn, I saw him walking to the centre of the stage, holding his black guitar….then, he speaks….”this song specially goes to someone I really adore….the love of my life….she might didn’t know that I’ve been watching her for all this time….and I think tonight is the best moment for her to know….this song goes to you,…………………..” the last word coming from his mouth really got me a shock of my life….he said my name and his finger is pointing right at me…. I can’t hear nothing except his voice singing….
Everything seems to be running perfectly, until one day when me and him were walking at the park. There were not many people around. We walked hand in hand. He smiled to me and told me to take care of myself well…. I just nodded…well, as long as he’s around, I’ll be just fine. We kept on walking. Out of blue, three men showed up from behind the bushes….all of them holding a knife…. I was so panicked…who are they? What did they want? But all the questions only kept lingering In my head. I was so scared that I’m unable to speak. One of them grabbed me and put a knife on my throat. Only God knew what I felt that time. He ran forward to save me but the other two guys had him and stabbed him on his tummy. He felt on his knee….the three guys ran away immediately.
I ran quickly towards him. He was all bleeding….my head was empty….there were no people that I could ask for help….and it’s impossible for me to go for help and leave him alone. He groaned in pain….he smiled at me and said, “ hold me darling just a little while “….and then his eyes closed….i screamed his name but there were no replied….now he’s gone even though I held him tight…. I felt like my world is turning upside down….it’s getting harder for me to breathe….in my head, I kept asking him, “ where were you when I wasn’t alright….you knew that I wasn’t alright….you left me thinking I’d be alright….won’t you come back to me….it’s crazy but I’m falling apart….it’s crazy how you leaving me scared….it’s crzy boy wherever you are….” Well, it’s hard for me to live without blood running through my vein….why do I have to face this for a second time….and suddenly an answer came to my mind….”maybe love is not for everyone…………”
Posted by kale pecet at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 22, 2011
paying debt II
Posted by kale pecet at 5:33 AM 0 comments
paying debt I

Posted by kale pecet at 4:16 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 21, 2011
Posted by kale pecet at 8:51 AM 0 comments